Register before September 24th
We are having two sessions for a Mic Check so that everyone is set up on the conference software that we are using.
All speakers must RSVP for at least one of the sessions OR if they are not available at those times then can set up a 1-1.
It is anticipated that it will take 15 minutes to do the Mic Check but we are scheduling for 1 hour so that if you have conflict you can arrive partway through.
Session One will be
Friday October 1st from 2-3 PM Central
Session Two will be
Thursday October 7th in the morning.
Contact us at if you are unable to make the group sessions and need to do something 1-1.
You can bookmark this page to join as a speaker on the day of.
As a reminder we are asking that all speakers arrive at least 15 minutes before they are scheduled to present.
You will need to be using a computer(no mobile devices or tablets).
There will be "Joining Links" posted to attendees and shared in various places. All of these will lead to the same place and you can use any of them to join.